My Story

I ran my first full marathon in 1993 and since that time I have completed 40 marathons, a couple ultra marathons and many half marathons, 10k, and 5k races. I realized that during some of these 2-4 hour runs my body just wasn’t getting the energy and nutrition that I needed to sustain my pace and muscle efficiency. Many races provide some items to eat such as orange slices, or products similar to frosting called GU, Gel, Clif Shot, and many other similar brands. I found that these sugary based products are okay for short runs but not so good for longer runs. I finally decided that long distance athletes or really all athletes from gym goers, soccer players, swimmers, bikers, and marathoners needed something more substantial to eat in order to sustain them during their


In 2015, I started playing around with bread recipes, however I quickly learned that when you are dealing with yeast, it is a chemistry class that I never had; I threw away many loaves that did not rise, basically bricks. However, over time I finally came up with just the right ingredients and processes that created a bread that tasted great, was super moist, and had all of the proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to sustain my body through not just tough workouts but through my

daily life activities.

One interesting fact I discovered was that I stayed fuller longer so I started playing around with weigh loss as a potential by product of eating my bread. In one particular experiment I would eat one half of a slice of bread (with butter and honey) every 2-3 hours throughout the day. By the end of the day, I would have consumed a total of three full slices or six half slices and nothing else. For dinner I would have a light meal of a small salad and a chicken breast, as an example. I followed this regimen for six weeks and lost 15 pounds, and never felt hungry. Today, I eat a half of a slice every morning before I go to the gym and then two full slices (butter and honey) throughout the day, along with vegetables and a protein drink. I learned that my bread is great for pre-workout consumption, long duration exercise needs, weight loss, and just overall delicious to eat throughout

the day.